Monday, October 29, 2018

Yoga Baby 2: 26 Weeks

14 weeks to go! That seems far too long. Not much has changed since my last update

Cravings: Haven't really had them lately.

Aversions: Can someone explain this to me? I don't want coffee at my house. I can have lattes elsewhere, made at coffee shops, even at my mom's house, but not at home. Just no. Weirdest aversion ever.

Nausea: No nausea. I have a really strong gag reflex lately though. I think that's allergy related, not pregnancy related though.

Gender: Baby girl.

Name: First name is pretty set. We've started using it when we talk to each other about her, but middle name is up in the air. Some favorites we were considering have been deemed "too popular right now".

Energy: Definitely on the struggle bus. Everything is hard.

Missing: Still fried eggs and wine, though I have been allowing myself the occasional sip of wine every now and then.

Sleep: Sleep has been hard. I bought myself some Calm tea to drink before bed, but I've had it for a week and I keep forgetting to make it until I'm about to get into bed, and by then I don't really want to stay up extra late just so I can drink a cup of tea.

Maternity clothes?  Yes yes yes. All day, every day. Workout clothes too - except workout tops. F That. What a waste of money. My old workout tops stretch over my giant belly and boobs just fine.

Exercise? I have been taking some nights off of exercise. I've just been tired, but I'm trying to stay active. If I don't have the energy to get in a full workout, I'll try to do some squats, the daily moves on the TIU app, or go for a walk.

Movement: I am loving this so much. She is a dancer for sure - moving around all day long and it is incredible. I'm sure I'll be less of a fan once she starts to get really big, but for now, I love love love it.

That's all for this update. Until 28 weeks...

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