Monday, October 15, 2018

Yoga Baby 2; 24 Weeks

I need to figure out a better camera set up for my weekly photos. This quality is shoddy.

I am officially 6 months pregnant, and this is how things are going...

Cravings: Haven't really had them lately.

Aversions: Been feeling better about chicken and steak. I still don't get excited about coffee in the mornings, but I'm not really missing it, so no complaints there.

Nausea: Still free from nausea

Gender: Still a girl.

Name: We might have a first name, but middle is in the works.

Energy: I would really like a nap, basically every day.

Missing: Fried eggs and wine, though I have been allowing myself the occasional sip of wine every now and then.

Sleep: Rough again. Falling asleep has been difficult, and I wake up several times a night because of the puppy, or the motion sensor light turning on outside, or basically any reason you can think of.

Maternity clothes?  Unless I'm sleeping, I'm in maternity clothes. My go-to outfits are leggings and flowy tops, but I am working in the occasional fitted top. I got my first ever maternity StitchFix. I ended up keeping every item in the box, even though I didn't love one of them. It was less expensive to keep the 5th item because they give you 25% off when you buy all 5. So, I saved about $20 and got a free dress that I'll never wear... who knows though, maybe I'll turn around and love it in January. :P

Exercise? Still managing 4-5 days a week - sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes an hour - so I feel pretty good about that. I get winded really easily, so I take a lot of breaks. I'm trying not to compare my strength this pregnancy to last time around, but its difficult.
I actually taught a yoga class over the weekend, which was a lot of fun. I definitely felt rusty, but I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do it.

Movement: All day long. It's so awesome.

That's all for this update. Until 26 weeks...

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