Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Yoga Baby 2, Week 18

I feel like the last couple of weeks have just been crawling along at a snail's pace!

Cravings: None lately. I've been super into chips and guacamole, but I wouldn't call it a craving necessarily. Chips and guac are sort of on par with how I felt about steak fries in my first pregnancy. If they are available, I would like to eat them. If they are not available, it would be cool if we could make them available. I also frequently see or hear of things and I have a "SQUIRELL" moment, and I want that thing. So, I saw an insta-story the other day of someone making ice cream. I obviously had to make ice cream.

Aversions: Coffee, meat products, and chocolate. Same same. Hubby made ribs. He makes great ribs, even when he's not confident about them, but I was just not into it. I will usually fill my plate. I ate 2, and I had to take bites of potato salad in between to break up the heavy feeling meat.

Nausea: Seems to be gone. *knock on wood*

Gender: We'll find out probably within the next two weeks. For now, it is still a mystery. Woooooo.

Name: I think we've settled on names for either a boy or a girl, but we won't be sharing until baby is born.

Energy: Comes and goes. I think it's pretty par for the course to have good days and bad days.

Missing: Still sushi, but also poke. I'd also like a tuna or turkey sandwich.

Sleep: Has been generally crap, but I think it's improving. I finally bought a new body pillow, but I just washed the case, so I haven't used it yet.

Maternity clothes? In it to win it. Hahaha. I don't even try to get my regular pants on anymore, and I'm loving all these big flowy hand me down tops my sister gave me. I'm also loving leggings. We went shopping over the weekend to find Tim a new suit, and I was cranky and tired because I was just standing around, wrangling the kiddo while he tried on clothes, but he wanted me there for my opinion. So, we added in some shopping for me - since I've been solidly in "I hate clothes" mode for a few weeks now -  and stopped at the maternity store. I got a new dress, shorts, and black pants to wear to work. I still don't feel like I really fill out maternity clothes, but they are a heck of a lot better than my regular clothes at the moment.

Exercise? Mostly good. I've been keeping up with my goals of 4+ days a week. Sometimes my workouts are shorter and less intense than I would like, but I'm staying active, so I call that a win.

NEW CATEGORY Movement: This one is exciting for me.  With my first, I had an anterior placenta (placenta in the front), so it was really hard for me to feel baby's movements. Until well into the 3rd trimester, I would really old feel him move if he did big, whole body movements, like flipping, but this time my placenta formed on my right side. So, starting about 3 weeks ago, if I laid very still and sort of focused my energy on baby, I could feel little flutters.  And last week, I stopped having to look for the kicks, because I could feel them throughout the day. It has been amazing, and so so exciting since I feel like I didn't really get to experience this the first time around.

Until next time...

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