We've got just a little time to go before we meet this little guy - ranging from any day now to 4 more weeks. I've been spending a decent amount of time getting his room ready for him. I meant to post this ages ago, but it kept conflicting with other things I wanted to post first!
I hope you had a lovely weekend! Ready for the tour?
This is roughly what you see when you walk in. Hooray for panoramic photos, right?
To the right when you walk in is little dude's crib and the majority of the decal I bought on etsy. I customized the colors to be Alabama crimson and white per the hubster's request.
The crib is the Babyletto Mercer. I am obsessed with the drawer underneath. That's where all the sheets, swaddles, receiving blankets, sheet protectors, etc. go.
I also made that quilt hanging over the side. It's primarily for decoration right now. I'll probably tuck it away in the drawer until he's old enough to snuggle it.
And what baby's room in my house would be complete without a yoga bolster. ;)
This rocker is amazing. It's deep, so my super tall hubby can sit in it comfortably too. I can see all of us spending lots of time in this rocker.
I'm also just realizing now that you can't see the pillow I threw on there very well from this angle. Here's a better view. I made it, so I'm a little proud.
Then you've also got the giant elephant from my shower. He goes back and forth between the chair and the crib right now. Obvs he won't be allowed in the crib while baby's there until he's not a suffocation hazard.
Next to the chair is my hubs' grandpa's side table. It's got super sentimental value for him, plus it's kinda cool looking. So, it makes a nice home for the ceramic elephant bank my mom made and other baby's room necessities.
We're skipping over the computer desk (because we opted not to move it into the living room) straight to the dresser/changer. Those drawers are filled almost to the brim with basically everything you can imagine - diapers (both cloth and disposable), nursing supplies, misc (mostly pj related) clothes for the little guy. pacifiers, teethers, trash bags, wipes, odds and ends that will (soon) be installed in the car(s), basically everything.
And from the left we've got his laundry basket, a diaper pail for the disposables, and a separate diaper bin for the cloth.
The closet is mostly filled with fun stuff - you can see where I'm still using the top shelf for grown up storage things like gift wrap and table leaves - all the adorable outfits we were gifted are hanging in there. The drawers have things like wash cloths, towels, burp cloths, soothie blankets.
He's got a decent little collection of stuffed animals in there too - a kangaroo, a puppy, and (not pictured) the baby elephant from Jungle Book.
I was stumped for a little while as to where to keep that giraffe blanket we were gifted. I know it'll spend most of its time on the floor, but I didn't want it to live there already, so I was relieved to find it has a little string on its head for easy hanging. We picked up some 3M hooks on our last Target run, and voila! a home for the giraffe.
Here's a panorama for you from the other side. I like that you can't really see the office area from over here - and you can see the painting my dad picked up in Tanzania (also shown above in closer detail) to be the first piece of art in Thor's room.
One final touch I wanted to share (aside from these precious elephant sheets) is the bunny that hubs and I picked out for our guy. We're working on a name for him, but he's very special because he was picked out especially for our baby from his mom and dad together. I'm imbuing him with lots of love and all the positivity I can muster, so he can always be a source of that for him.
I hope you enjoyed the tour. I'm sure it will evolve and grow once there is actually a tiny person who lives here, but for now, there is a mostly completed baby's room in our house... and that is pretty dang cool.
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