Week 36
Wednesday marked one month to D-day. That was utterly terrifying, but also wonderful. I'm desperate to snuggle this little guy in my arms instead of inside my belly.
As of today, we have just about 4 weeks to go. It feels like a waiting game now... a waiting game in which I stress about everything that still needs to get done!
Here's what's happening with me and the tiny one...
Cravings: No cravings. I have noticed I eat a lot of peppermint flavored things and mac and cheese. I don't outright crave them though. They just happen to be available and I like them better than other things. .
Aversions: I still am not into cooking.
Energy: Waning. I'm not as sleepy as I was in the first trimester, but I sure do get winded quickly.
Missing: This week, I've been pretty good about not missing the stuff I'm not supposed to have. There has been talk of sandwiches, which I could be into, but mostly cool with not having things.
I do, however, miss my former mobility. I would say I miss that the most.
Movement: He had the weirdest/longest bout of hiccups earlier this week. It freaked me out. It lasted about a half hour and they were so consistent, almost like a pulse. The only reasons I know they were hiccups is because of where they were coming from (in relation to his head) and the fact that they weren't a consistent pulse. It would change up, go a couple seconds without one and then pick back up again.
Feeling: Everything. Haha, elated, terrified, exhausted, overwhelmed, so stinking excited.
Wearing: When I'm at home, only cozy clothes. I barely make it 15 minutes in whatever I wore out of the house. I'm feeling so lucky I get to wear sweats when its cool outside.
Yoga: Not sure how many more power yoga classes I'm gonna make it to, but once I go on leave I'll be able to take a few more prenatal yoga classes each week that won't conflict with my work schedule.
Can't Live Without: Ice water and comfy pants. I think I've also been taking for granted my body pillow. I doubt I could sleep at all without it.
Getting Ready? More and more every day. Hubs even has a little bit of nesting. He went on a major cleaning kick earlier this week and asked me if we could dedicate part of the weekend to "getting rid of stuff". I'm totally down to clear out junk. Our place is not very big and babies need a lot of stuff, so a major clean out is necessary.
I washed all of the babies clothes/blankets, etc. I need to wash the bottles and toys, but I'm not in a huge rush on the bottles since *hopefully* we won't use them for the first month.
Our shower was the weekend before last. We are so fortunate and have so much good stuff to spoil this little dude. Now I'm getting the nursery organized and everything put away.
I am still making strides on my to-do list. I added freezer meals, mani/pedi and massage. I'm actually getting a massage this weekend. I also was able to check bottles and thank you notes (mostly) off the list earlier this week. I gave hubs the run down on the bottle situation... because they're not really for me. Told him how he needs to wash them and got him set up with a bottle warmer. He doesn't want to think about it until January, but I don't want to worry about it later when I can get it out of my mind now.
I'm feeling generally unprepared - especially as December looms ever nearer.
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