Monday, November 12, 2018

Yoga Baby 2; 28 Weeks

Not much has changed pregnancy wise since my last post, but plenty has been going on...

Cravings: I actually don't have much of an appetite most of the time. I'll eat, but I think I've reached the point where I get full very quickly and don't find myself getting very hungry.

Aversions: Just the coffee thing. I've been able to have them out and about - I especially like having coffee at my parents' house, but its a major no-go at home.

Nausea: No nausea. Had another instance of lightheadedness the other day. I was worried I might pass out, so I skipped class that day - didn't want to be so far from home again if I did end up passing out.

Gender: Girl.

Name: First name is pretty set. We've started using it when we talk to each other about her, but middle name is up in the air. Some favorites we were considering have been deemed "too popular right now".

Energy: I've been pretty tired lately. I could pretty much take a nap at any point during the day. In fact, now would be great.

Missing: Really just runny eggs and wine. I would looooooove some eggs benedict. Early in my pregnancy, I told my husband I really just wanted some sushi once we were home from the hospital, but lately that sounds less appealing. Last time around he brought me the most amazing cheeseburger. I think it was from The Habit. Probably the best burger I'd ever had in my life after having to go so long avoiding burgers because well done burgers are gross.

Sleep: I was in a pretty decent rhythm for a while there. Tea, lotion, reading before bed would help me fall asleep. I still toss and turn a lot and am really sensitive to sounds. I started doing dinner clean up earlier so that when bed time rolled around I could just go straight to bed, but then this weekend happened. The Woolsey fire had us up all night Friday night and still not getting restful sleep on Saturday (because we pulled the boy into our bed so we could run the air purifier and all breathe the same clean air). Sunday night was better, but I am still dealing with the usual crappy sleep quality due to growing little miss.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, but now I hate them too. I hate all clothes. Everything is uncomfortable - except pjs, but even sometimes pjs.

Exercise? Taking too many nights off exercise (particularly due to the fire) had me all mentally and emotionally wrecked, so I got off my ass this weekend and did about 60 minutes of exercise. It definitely helped. I was getting so irritated with everything all the time.

Movement: I guess it's time to start doing daily kick counts. How to pregnant women who are already parents actually make time for this?

Other challenges: I've started washing the dishes on a step stool or on my toes - otherwise I have to lean too far forward over the sink and it really hurts my low back.
I also had a Dr appt last week and she really stressed with me, the importance of planning 1) where the boy is going to go when I go into labor, and 2) figuring our birth control for after this young lady arrives.
I'm also thinking a lot about my to-do list... because we have done barely anything to prep our home for this girl, but there is also a lot that I feel just doesn't need to be done yet. So, I'm not rushing or stressing.

Until next time... when I'm 30 weeks...

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