Monday, August 20, 2018

Yoga Baby 2; 16 Weeks

Here we are! Week 16! I've started monthly self-care excursions. My first was actually for my birthday, so I couldn't get a massage because I was still in the first trimester, BUT NOW that I'm in the second, I can get my monthly massages and feel oh-so-good. I had a spa day all to myself last week. It was amazing. I swam and read and lounged about and didn't worry about anything at all.

Cravings: I ACTUALLY HAD SOME! The other day I smelled something that reminded me of peanut butter toast, and I stopped and made peanut butter toast right then. Other than that though, I mostly crave water. Haha. I am just really thirsty all the time.

Aversions: Still coffee and meat products. Haha. I actually have a bit of an aversion to chocolate, which is so strange. I even have a couple of pieces of chocolate in my desk and work, and I just am not interested in them.

Nausea: I haven't been nauseous in weeks! Hooray! Keep me in your thoughts I stay this way!

Gender: Don't know yet. I went in at 15 weeks and we tried to see, but babers was sitting crosslegged and the midwife couldn't get a good angle. I'll be scheduling my big fancy pants anatomy scan next month though, so then we will actually know.

Energy: Better! I am still tired and sometimes have bad days, but I definitely am feeling that second trimester energy boost.

Missing: Sushi, runny eggs. I'd like a turkey sandwich from Jimmy Johns.

Sleep: The vivid dreams are back. Sometimes up to three separate, very vivid dreams in one night.

Maternity clothes? Still loving sundresses. Toying with the idea of maternity pants. I bought some at Old Navy. I put them on the other day, but they are legit too big in the front... like maaaaybe I could wear a longish shirt with them to cover up some of the extra fabric, but it just feels awkward right now. I am back in my maternity uniform from my first pregnancy - tank tops and wide band foldover maxi skirts. I'm not as comfortable in it this time around though.

Exercise? As soon as I started to feel better, I started exercising regularly. I set a 4 day-a-week minimum for myself and I've been sticking to it. Most weeks I've been able to do more than 4 days.

Until next time...

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