Monday, May 11, 2015

a day in the life; round 2

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5:53 AM the dude is awake. I get up and nurse him. It's frustrating this morning because he keeps wanting to stop look up and smile at me and I just want to go back to bed. I feel bad for feeling this way, especially since he's so dang cute.

6:10 AM I put him down awake and crawl back into bed. He groans and talks for a little while and eventually falls back asleep.

7:15 AM after hitting snooze twice on my phone alarm, I get up, wash up, put on my make up, get dressed, and go downstairs for breakfast.

8:05 AM after I make breakfast, get dudes cereal ready and pack his diaper bag. This whole section is kind of a multitasking blur. Last nights laundry gets moved to the dryer, breakfast gets eaten, and dishes get washed.

8:20 AM I wake up the dude, pack him up and we head to work.

8:45 AM We arrive at the office, get settled and I check emails while he flaps his arms, kicks his legs, and stares at everything.

9:40 AM He rolls over in his pack n play. No a big deal since he does it all the time now - even sleeps on his tummy - but I'm pretty convinced he still surprises himself every time.

9:50 AM - Dude has cereal and a diaper change before nursing. This whole process (with playtime intermixed takes about an hour)

11:35 AM We go to lunch.

12:00 PM we arrive at lunch. We spend about an hour and a half catching up with my pregnant friend and I tell her about changes we've encountered, what our schedule is like, etc. She tells me about her other friends who've just had babies and how excited she is for her shower. I eat delicious short ribs and fresh vegetable salads that I totally forgot to take a picture of. They were beautiful. 

1:20 PM we had back to the office and get back to work on things. My little guy nurses again. Then my sister and I chat and decide that as of 2:20 PM we vow not to complain about anything for 24 hours.

3:15 PM I email myself some work I can do from home, pack up my guy and hit the road. 

4:04 PM we get home dude sleeps another five minutes in the car while I move laundry around. It doesn't take long for him to get fussy again so I trying get him to take a nap and fail. I resort to wearing him around the house as I finished baking the sweet potatoes he'll have for dinner. 

5:15 PM I feed dude his sweet potatoes.

5:30 PM I nursed him on the couch until my sister comes and I leave to go teach yoga

6:00 to 7:30 PM I teach power yoga class. It's my first time teaching power yoga since November and I am nervous. Class goes okay but I wish I felt better about it.

7:45 PM I get home to a tired baby snuggling with my sister on the couch - not asleep but clearly exhausted. Five minutes later hubby gets home. He showers as I get our dude ready for bed. 

8:00 PM I nursed the babe to sleep.

8:22 PM I put him down l and go downstairs to put away baby laundry until hubs comes home with dinner. We usually make dinner at home but we were out of all protein so he went out to pick up CCC. 

8:30 PM we devour dinner. I polish it off with a few samoas we've had in the freezer and we watch a couple episodes of Sons of Anarchy before calling it a night.

11:15 PM I turn off the Xbox and nudge the hubs to go to bed. We slowly make our way upstairs to find our little guy happily sleeping on his tummy. This still makes T nervous, so we gingerly roll him onto his back and breathe a collective sigh of relief when he doesn't wake up. As we fall asleep, I can hear him flip himself back onto his tummy.

11:35 PM We say goodnight. 

*I managed this post through the magic of voice-to-text.

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