Thursday, August 27, 2015
yoga baby; 8 months
My little bug is 8 months old! Time is, oddly, slowing down. It's still going far too quickly, but I feel like I've had more time to appreciate this stage lately, short lived as it may be.
Loves: His new favorite song is this Muppets song. You know it. I promise. T and I duet so I do the "doodoooooodoodoodoo" and he does the "Mahna mahna". It's pretty great.
He loves when I do pushups and squats. He laughs so hard. Squats are the best because he gets to do them with me. He's also a fan of overhead baby press.
He loves toys that talk and sing and light up. I can leave him in baby jail with a little electronic book and go down to start a load of laundry and he's the cats pajamas. Yeah, I just said that.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
yoga baby; 6 months
This guy is 6 1/2 months now. I had most of this post done closer to his half birthday, but I wanted his stats from his 6 month checkup, so I waited to post.
Likes: More of the same - everything in his mouth. We introduced him to Sophie this month - he loves her, along with most other teething toys. He loves to eat her face best of all.
Dislikes: Falling over from sitting and hitting his head on hard(ish) surfaces, but he so rarely falls over now. We're still struggling with naps. Dude is anti daytime sleep.
Sleeping? On his tummy mostly, but he moves around a lot. Nighttime he is a total champ. Goes down drowsy and sleeps for 10+ hours almost every night.
We are getting better at naps at home. I can give him a pacifier and my hand to hold and he'll fall asleep. Sometimes I can sub a lovey for my hand, but not always. I still can't bring myself to CIO, but at least he's napping in his crib and I can get things done while he sleeps. Habits Shmabits.
Luckily (or unluckily?) we're in the car a lot and he falls asleep in the car seat. A lot of times he wakes up when the car turns off though.
Accomplishments: Solid sitting dude. He sits completely unsupported for extended periods of time now. He also just started sitting up in the bath (which actually happened after his 6 month bday, so maybe I should have saved it for next month)
He pops up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but he hasn't figured out how to move forward.
Eating habits:
Still nurses 5-6 times a day and has solids twice a day. He's sometimes nurses for shorter periods of time after he has solids because he's more full, but its frustrating because he's not getting good fatty hind milk.
We've added quite a few foods to his repertoire. He's had beets, bananas, pears, peas, and strawberries. Next up is zucchini, I think. We were advised to try tiny bits of highly allergenic food poisoning like peanut butter and eggs since studies show the earlier babes have them, the less likely they are to develop an allergy. And since we don't have a family history of anaphylaxis, we can try them at home.
He also drinks water now - only because he's enamored by it, not because he needs it for hydration. He just stares at water and reaches for it - in glasses, in bottles, it doesn't matter. He sees water and he wants it. So, I put a little bit in a bottle or sippy cup for him. He's getting the hang of holding it, but doesn't understand that he needs to hold the bottle above his mouth for anything to come out.
He had his 6 month checkup and shots yesterday. He weighs 17 lbs 14 oz and is 26" tall. I think he's taller than that though. He's still firmly perfectly average.
I'm consolidating my diaper stash. I'll tell you more about that later, but he's still midrise in GroVia AI2s. Snaps and H&L still meet perfectly in the middle.
I let the rise all the way out for nighttime in his GroVia ONEs.
I haven't put him in sposies in a couple weeks, but I think he'd be in 3's now. At least I hope so, because I just gave away the last of my 2s.
Friday, June 26, 2015
new momdom; the stuff that works for us
A little while back, a friend of mine did a huge comprehensive post of everything you could possibly need for a baby and what worked for her and her family. I was going to do something similar, but when I came down to it, there is so much that is nice to have, but not so many items I simply could not have survived the first few months without.
When I was putting together a shower gift for a dear friend and having a hard time because I couldn't settle on what to get her, my husband walked around BRU with me and rolled his eyes and then said "Why are we not getting her _____... and _____? We love these for Joe" and together, we compiled a basket of things we loved and she registered for (mostly things that fell into both categories). Kind of a new baby survival basket... It contained a lot of these things...
Monday, May 18, 2015
yoga baby; 5 months
How is it that my baby is already 5 months old? I remember being pregnant and thinking my friend would have her baby right around his 5 month birthday and how far away that seemed, and she just had her baby a few days ago!
Likes: All the same stuff as last month - putting everything in his mouth, singing, thrill seeking. Some new favorites are: consistently rolling onto his tummy. He would do it before, but now he does it all the time.
He also likes laying on the floor next to me when I work out - and he LOVES when I do burpees with my hands on either sides of him. He loses his sh*t, it's so dang funny.
Dislikes: Naps. Ugh. The worst parts of the day are when I put this dude down for a nap. He is not a fan. These are the only times he really cries. I have temporarily given up on trying to get him to nap in his crib. He did it great for a few weeks, but now he needs to be rocked or bounced or in his swing or carseat. If I try to put him down after rocking him, he usually wakes up and cries like its the worst thing that has ever happened. For now napping happens however it needs to happen.
Sleeping? A few days after we started solids, he started sleeping longer stretches again. He'd go down at 830/9 and sleep through until about 4am (Really anytime between 330 and 5 - if he wakes up before 330, he gets a pacifier and we all go back to sleep). Then he'd go back down until 730, which is consistently when he's up for the day.
We had a few roughish nights staying in a hotel a couple weeks ago. Night 1 he needed new jammies at 330am. Night 2 I gave him a pacifier at 3am and he went back to sleep until 530. Night 3 there was a fiasco. Hotel fire alarms and flooding. The first three hours he slept, he was awake every 30 minutes or so. It was so sad/frustrating.
As soon as we got back home, he went back to long stretches and became a tummy sleeper. He's been rolling over every night since then. We flipped him twice, but the second night we turned off the light, I heard some shuffling and said to T, "you know he just rolled back over?" and sure enough...
Since then we just let him sleep how he wants.
Accomplishments: We're still working on sitting. He's getting pretty good at it. He can hang out seated for a while before falling over. So we just keep him on heavily padded surfaces. We've had a couple face plants, but he's a tough guy.
Eating habits:
He nurses 5-6 times a day and has solids twice a day.
Sweet potato is the booooomb. He flipping loves it. We also added avocado to his list this past weekend. It was another win. The dude loves food, man. He grabs the spoon to help get it to his mouth faster. Mom and Dad don't feed him fast enough. Carrots and green beans are "meh" so far, but he eats them up. I haven't figured out how to get a good puree yet. They still seem kinda chunky. Any tips?
Stats as of the day after his 5 month bday when I weighed him at MH:
16 lbs 8 oz - which was exactly the same as the week before. A girlfriend and I agree something is off about the scale, but he doesn't get weighed at the Dr until he's almost 7 months. :/
Still in Size 2 disposables, but I'm considering moving him up to 3s. We have a bunch of 2s to get through though - since we don't use them very often.
Midrise snaps on his GroVia and BumGenius, Second S setting in his Charlie Bananas, and I have no idea what the setting is for Softbums because there are no markers. I have adjusted the rise so he wears them pretty high though to accommodate all the pods I stuff in there.
I still put him in GroVia O.N.E.s for nighttime.
Likes: All the same stuff as last month - putting everything in his mouth, singing, thrill seeking. Some new favorites are: consistently rolling onto his tummy. He would do it before, but now he does it all the time.
He also likes laying on the floor next to me when I work out - and he LOVES when I do burpees with my hands on either sides of him. He loses his sh*t, it's so dang funny.
Dislikes: Naps. Ugh. The worst parts of the day are when I put this dude down for a nap. He is not a fan. These are the only times he really cries. I have temporarily given up on trying to get him to nap in his crib. He did it great for a few weeks, but now he needs to be rocked or bounced or in his swing or carseat. If I try to put him down after rocking him, he usually wakes up and cries like its the worst thing that has ever happened. For now napping happens however it needs to happen.
Sleeping? A few days after we started solids, he started sleeping longer stretches again. He'd go down at 830/9 and sleep through until about 4am (Really anytime between 330 and 5 - if he wakes up before 330, he gets a pacifier and we all go back to sleep). Then he'd go back down until 730, which is consistently when he's up for the day.
We had a few roughish nights staying in a hotel a couple weeks ago. Night 1 he needed new jammies at 330am. Night 2 I gave him a pacifier at 3am and he went back to sleep until 530. Night 3 there was a fiasco. Hotel fire alarms and flooding. The first three hours he slept, he was awake every 30 minutes or so. It was so sad/frustrating.
As soon as we got back home, he went back to long stretches and became a tummy sleeper. He's been rolling over every night since then. We flipped him twice, but the second night we turned off the light, I heard some shuffling and said to T, "you know he just rolled back over?" and sure enough...
Since then we just let him sleep how he wants.
Accomplishments: We're still working on sitting. He's getting pretty good at it. He can hang out seated for a while before falling over. So we just keep him on heavily padded surfaces. We've had a couple face plants, but he's a tough guy.
Eating habits:
He nurses 5-6 times a day and has solids twice a day.
Sweet potato is the booooomb. He flipping loves it. We also added avocado to his list this past weekend. It was another win. The dude loves food, man. He grabs the spoon to help get it to his mouth faster. Mom and Dad don't feed him fast enough. Carrots and green beans are "meh" so far, but he eats them up. I haven't figured out how to get a good puree yet. They still seem kinda chunky. Any tips?
Stats as of the day after his 5 month bday when I weighed him at MH:
16 lbs 8 oz - which was exactly the same as the week before. A girlfriend and I agree something is off about the scale, but he doesn't get weighed at the Dr until he's almost 7 months. :/
Still in Size 2 disposables, but I'm considering moving him up to 3s. We have a bunch of 2s to get through though - since we don't use them very often.
Midrise snaps on his GroVia and BumGenius, Second S setting in his Charlie Bananas, and I have no idea what the setting is for Softbums because there are no markers. I have adjusted the rise so he wears them pretty high though to accommodate all the pods I stuff in there.
I still put him in GroVia O.N.E.s for nighttime.
Monday, May 11, 2015
a day in the life; round 2
Thursday, May 7, 2015
5:53 AM the dude is awake. I get up and nurse him. It's frustrating this morning because he keeps wanting to stop look up and smile at me and I just want to go back to bed. I feel bad for feeling this way, especially since he's so dang cute.
5:53 AM the dude is awake. I get up and nurse him. It's frustrating this morning because he keeps wanting to stop look up and smile at me and I just want to go back to bed. I feel bad for feeling this way, especially since he's so dang cute.
6:10 AM I put him down awake and crawl back into bed. He groans and talks for a little while and eventually falls back asleep.
7:15 AM after hitting snooze twice on my phone alarm, I get up, wash up, put on my make up, get dressed, and go downstairs for breakfast.
8:05 AM after I make breakfast, get dudes cereal ready and pack his diaper bag. This whole section is kind of a multitasking blur. Last nights laundry gets moved to the dryer, breakfast gets eaten, and dishes get washed.
8:20 AM I wake up the dude, pack him up and we head to work.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
yoga baby; 4 months
This kid! He's so big! Where have the last 4 and a half months gone? Babies from our mommy & me class are already turning 5 months!
Likes: Sticking everything into his mouth - from his toys to my braid. If he can reach it, he wants to eat it. I got a haircut yesterday to make it a little less easy for him to eat my hair. He even eats his tshirts when he can pull them up to his mouth.
He still loves being sung to. He's also become a bit of a thrill seeker. He loves when we pretend we're about to drop him. He loves when dad pretends he's a crane/baby fork lift. He loves doing yoga with me - especially boat and squats. He finds it refreshing and soothing when you blow in his face. He loves being talked to and he loves talking, and he likes when you touch his toes to his nose.
Dislikes: Sitting still. Unless he's asleep, he is always moving - arms, legs, all at once.
Still not a fan of naps, but we're getting there. Most times it just takes a pacifier to settle him down.
Sleeping? We had a rough few nights clustered around his 4 month bday. A few with frequent wake ups, a few refusals to go back to sleep - but we seem to have settled into a pretty good pattern without having to resort to sleep training yet. His bedtime has moved up to 9pm, occasionally going down as early as 845 - though thats only happened once or twice. He typically sleeps between 7 and 8 hrs and then goes back down for another 2 or 3.
We're struggling a little bit having him in our room still. He doesn't wake me often, but since we go to bed an hour or two after he does, sometimes the opening and closing of drawers, the sounds of people (and panda) walking around the room, teeth brushing - they wake him up.
Accomplishments: He rolls from back to front now, He'll roll to his side for a while and then you'll look away and he'll just be chillin' there on his tummy. It's adorable. And he can sit without assistance, though usually only for a few seconds.
In other news:
We started solids this weekend! Right now we're only doing a few teaspoons of cereal in the evening, but we're slowly increasing the amount, and in the next few days we'll let him try some avocado or sweet potato.
We're introducing foods slowly and systematically per the pediatricians orders.
Stats as of his 4 month well check:
15 lbs 10 oz, and 25.5' tall
Size 2 disposables. Midrise snaps on his GroVia and BumGenius, Second S setting in his Charlie Bananas, and I have no idea what the setting is for Softbums because there are no markers.
We've had pretty good luck with the GroVia ONE for nighttime. He can *usually* stay in one diaper leak free for 10-12 hrs with one night feeding. We've also been able to avoid leaks by doubling GroVia boosters.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
yoga baby; 3 months
I fully intended to post this a few weeks ago. My dude is over 4 months now. Le sigh. Such is life.
I'll say this every month. I know I'm biased, but my dude is the best. baby. ever. I cannot get enough of him.
Likes: Still a huge hand eater. He went through a straight thumb sucking phase. Not sure if that will come back.
He loves singalongs and being sung to in any way, shape or form.
Dislikes: Falling asleep during the day. He gets so tired, but he fights it because being awake it so much more interesting.
Sleeping? He was suuuuuuch a good sleeper at 3 months. I dreaded the 4 month regression. Most nights he slept between 8 and 10 hours straight. His bedtime is still later than I would like, but he ends up sleeping from around 10pm to 7 or 8am consistently. If the stretch is closer to 8 hours, he'll usually go back to sleep for an hour or two.
Accomplishments: His hand eye coordination is really improving. He starting to open his palms so they're not always in fists all the time.
He is consistently rolling from front to back. Once he even rolled onto his side, hung out there for a bit, and then continued his roll all the way onto his back. I considered that his first intentional roll.
In other news:
I went back to work March 9th. I'm only part time right now, but I've been able to bring him with me. He's doing great. He definitely has his rough days - like the day I forgot his pacifier. Poor guy refused to nap and was a huge crankapotomus. Squawk squawk squawk squeal squawk squawk squeal.
A few weeks ago he started spending one day a week with my mom. They both love it. Its nice for me to be able to get some work done, but I miss my little man and am always a little sad that I got to spend almost no time with him that day.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
yoga baby; 2 months
In general he's a happy dude. He loves to smile and talk, and is an absolute joy to be around. Of course I'm biased, but he's even adorable when he's cranky.
Likes: eating his hands! singing songs, being on his changing table, sleeping on mama, grabbing things, kicking, flying
Dislikes: Being left alone, being on his tummy for too long
Sleeping? No complaints from me. We did get a fluke 7 hour stretch when he was 2 weeks old but around 2 months he consistently slept 4/5 hrs in one stretch and then another 3/4 after. Bedtime was 11pm (usually) because that's when mom and dad go to bed, which meant he was usually up between 3 and 4 and up for the day around 8 or 9.
He definitely likes to party in the wee hours of the morning, but I started putting him down while drowsy and letting him soothe himself all the way into sleep.
Accomplishments: Aside from being a total tummy time rockstar, my little guy started grabbing things. Usually not on purpose, but he was very interested when he first noticed his hand holding a blanket and moving closer to his face. He's also ended up eating his blanket a couple of times because it was in his hand.
Accomplishments: Aside from being a total tummy time rockstar, my little guy started grabbing things. Usually not on purpose, but he was very interested when he first noticed his hand holding a blanket and moving closer to his face. He's also ended up eating his blanket a couple of times because it was in his hand.
He rolled front to back a couple of times but it wasn't on purpose ;)
In other news:
He had his first round of shots at 2 months and 5 days. He screamed when he got them, and he screamed for longer a few hours later when his little legs were sore. He was a total champ though. Got some Tylenol and fell asleep wrapped up on his mama.
Motherhood is such a trip! Ha! I still look at him and can't believe he's mine. Especially as he gets bigger, I can't believe he was ever the size of a poppy seed.
Friday, January 23, 2015
lactation cookies
As you know, I have a tiny one now. He eats breast milk only, so I'm very conscious of my supply, and working to maintain or even increase it a little. A friend of mine had a baby in 2013 Andi remembered she'd made special lactation cookies. I did a little research and found tons of recipes, all with a couple necessary 'supply-increasing' ingredients - oats, brewers yeast, and flax seed meal.
Good thing these cookies are yummy. Otherwise I'd have nothing to post about.
I baked the first batch of these on Monday, and by Friday it was time to bake the second.
Oh, something to keep in mind should you make these: this recipe is giant. I hope you have plastic wrap or parchment to roll up the dough and keep in in the freezer.
Lactation Cookies
Yields about 3 dozen cookies. (more if you make them smaller than I do)
1 cup of butter
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of firmly packed brown sugar
4 tablespoons of water
2 tablespoons of flax seed meal
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of salt
3 cups of steel cut oats
1 cup of chocolate chips
4 tablespoons of brewer's yeast
Preheat oven to 350°.
Mix the flaxseed meal and water, set aside and let sit for 3-5 minutes.
Cream the butter, sugar, and brown sugar.
Add eggs and mix well.
Add flaxseed mix and vanilla, mix well.
Sift together flour, brewer’s yeast, baking soda, and sa
Add dry ingredients (flour, brewer’s yeast, baking soda, and salt), and mix.
Thoroughly stir in oats and chocolate chips.
Scoop onto baking sheet, approximately 1” balls.
Bake for 12-14 minutes
Allow cookies to set for a few minutes before removing from tray.
Monday, January 19, 2015
a day in the life... with a newborn
Ok. This post is a little ambitious for me right now. I'm living a whole different life than I was just over a month ago. Every day is different and in some ways exactly the same...
This was my Friday, January 16th...
This was my Friday, January 16th...
3:35 AM - I get up to feed the dude. I usually change him before he eats, but this morning I toy with leaving his diaper until we get up for the day.
4:05 AM - He's asleep, so I put him back down.
4:05 AM - He's asleep, so I put him back down.
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