Friday, February 22, 2019

The Littlest Yogi; A Birth Story

On Friday, February 1st at 11:02 am, our daughter was born.

As an aside, throughout this pregnancy, I had a very intuitive connection to my daughter. I didn't feel like I had this kind of intuition when I was pregnant with my son, so having gut feelings about things that I couldn't let go of throughout this pregnancy was very surreal for me. She told me that she was a girl. She told me her name. I had a gut feeling that she would come a few days before her due date, and that she would be a big girl. I can't tell you how, and I doubted these feelings' legitimacy until I had evidence to prove them, but I felt these things to be true... and then they were.

My final prenatal checkup was Wednesday, January 30th - I was 39 weeks and 2 days. The midwife asked if I would like to be checked and if I would like my membranes stripped. I declined the membrane strip because of what happened last time, but agreed to the cervical check because I was curious. 1 cm dilated and not really effaced. She didn't even tell me a percentage. She just said maybe I was effaced a little, but not really. She remarked that I was the picture of a perfect, healthy pregnant woman, said to set up an appointment for next week, and that she hoped I didn't make it to that appointment.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Yoga Baby 2; 36 Weeks

So... I sorta stopped taking bump photos. I didn't mean to, but it got cold outside, and those little black tank tops were getting too tight (they're mostly size small and I have not felt like going to buy a bigger one). Today baby and I are 36 weeks. It's less than a month to her estimated due date and quite a few things have changed in the last 8 weeks.

Cravings: Yes! Though I don't have a lot of room in my stomach, I have had the same type of "cravings" I had with my first - mostly for sweets, and always after the thought has been planted by some external source - like the Great British Baking Show. I texted my husband and asked if he could stop at the grocery store and pick out a Danish for me... because it was Danish week. Then last night we watched some youtube video of a guy on Tasty trying to hide pickled vegetables inside brownies. Even though I maintain that does not sound good - I immediately made a batch of brownies.

Aversions: Getting better. I'm still not really interested in red meat, but I have been drinking lattes some mornings, which makes me happy.

Nausea: No nausea. Dizziness is back with a vengeance though - always when changing levels (sit to stand, lay down, etc) It started when I had a cold about a week and a half ago and just hasn't let up. Trying to move slowly, and I always brace myself because I'm pretty used to it by now.

Gender: Girl.