- Carrying high or low? High means girl, low means boy. I'm carrying a tad higher than last time, but still pretty low. So, BOY
- Mayan Numbers - The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then baby is a girl, if its odd, you're having a boy. 33 + 2018 = 2051 = BOY
- Acne - If you have pregnancy acne, it means its a girl. I had some kinda gnarly acne in the first trimester, but it's since cleared up. I don't know if that's because I'm taking better care of my skin, or because of hormones, but let's say it's the former: GIRL
- Cravings - Salty cravings means boy, sweet means girl. The only thing I've "craved" so far have been tacos and peanut butter toast, so I guess BOY
- History of Parents Kids - This one makes me laugh. It basically predicts there is no way we're having a boy. Haha. If you're the first child, you'll have the same sex babies that your mother had, starting with the second child. If you're the second child, you'll have the same sex babies your mother had, starting with the third child, and if you're a third child, you'll have the same sex babies in the same order. SO, my mom had three girls. Girl. Girl. Girl. GIRL.
- Cold Feet - If your feet are cold, you're having a boy. If not, girl. It's the dead of summer in Los Angeles. GIRL.
- Chinese gender prediction chart – age 33 in the month of May = GIRL
- Ramzi method – baby/placenta formed on right side = BOY
- Baby's heartrate – over 140 means girl, under 140 means boy. 164 at my 8 wk appt, 150 at my 19 week appt = GIRL
- Sickness – morning sickness means girl, not a lot of sickness means boy. I had none with my son, but got pretty sick this time around = GIRL
- Partner weight gain – Partner weight gain means girl. Mine is actually trying to lose weight at the moment and has done so successfully. BOY
- Headaches – headaches mean boy. No headaches means girl. I actually got a migraine and regular headaches with my son, and basically had a 2 month long headache this time – BOY
- Clumsiness – extra clumsiness means boy, no additional clumsiness means girl. I’m generally kind of clumsy, so I haven’t noticed any extra = GIRL
- Previous child’s hair swirl – if their hair swirls to the right (clockwise), it means girl, counterclockwise means boy. My son’s hair swirls clockwise – GIRL
- Nail growth – Nails growing longer, stronger and faster means boy. So, boy, but don’t prenatal vitamins do this??? BOY
BOY: 7
Split pretty evenly down the middle, with a slight favor that this kiddo is a girl. What do you think???
Check the gram for a post soon to announce the sex of the baby!
Check the gram for a post soon to announce the sex of the baby!